Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Euro rate / medical ins

Cyprus, though delightfull, is now very expensive due to the poor rate of the Pound - Euro.

Also, if you are holidaying in Paphos, make sure you have adequate insurance cover, or an E111 card with you, because, if you become ill your hotel there will send you to a private hospital (as I found out in Jan this year) but your E111 is not valid there, only valid in the local general hospital. So insist on being taken to the LOCAL GEN HOSPITAL where treat ment will be free. If you go to the Royal Private Hospital you will get ripped off.


I think you will find with majority of Travel Insurance Policies you are required if travelling in the EU to have a EHIC as standard.Like you say you are entitled to treatment in the General Hospital only similar to our NHS Hospitals.


Always take out private insurance. I use Insure and Go. Had the misfortune to have a slight accident to my knee 18 months ago - taken to a private hospital where I had 6 lots of superb treatment, collected by private ambulance and delivered back to my apartments and the insurance company settled everything direct.


EHIC is now the new E111



The Post Office Travel Insurance is good, but as with other insurers the prices shoot up after a certain age.

The EHIC is the old E111 as Cyprus Piper says.


You learn something new every day - So do I have to get my E111 changed??



I think the E111 will still be valid mine was in Jan.

My 24 hour stay at the local General Hospital did not cost me a penny. (They even took me to Limassol and back, for a CT scan at another hospital)

However I was taken first to the Royal Artemis Private Hospital, but when asked if I wanted to %26quot;go private%26quot; I declined, but they have still sent me an invoice for over 1,000 Euros, threatening that it will be increased by £100 per month if not paid within 28 days.

I would say that this is bordering on a con.



Some of the EHIC/E111 Cards have expired already they only last for 5 years, there is an expiry date in the bottom right hand corner, I had to renew mine in January!


luckily we had E111 card and travel insuranc, on holiday in Paphos august last year.our son was taken ill,hotel sent us to private hospital at first they diagnosed him type 1 diabeties and sent us to Paphos General peadiatric dept. care was second to none at both. We spent the whlole week at the hospital to get him stable. The private hospital was covered by the travel ins. and the general hospial by the E111.


Good, you are very lucky.

However my travel insurance only covers any mishap that happens while abroad, and as I had had a couple of TIA%26#39;s in the past it was classed as an existing illness and I was not covered. That%26#39;s why the Royal Artemis Private Hospital asked if I wanted to go %26quot;private%26quot;. When I declined, they then took me to the local General Hospital (where I was covered by the E111) But the Royal has still sent me an invoice for over 1,000 Euros, (even though I was only there for around 30 minutes!)

What a con! They obviously have contracts/arrangements with hotels so that the hotels will send for them. As soon as they are called to your hotel, the bill starts mounting.

They are obviously out to make money from tourists!


I suppose it helps to know how the Cyprus system works before you travel. As has been stated there is a two tier system, one simalar to NHS and one private.

In all honesty you should have been given the choice on pick up thus not incurring any charges. Relevant paperwork should also have been signed, again this allows for any confusion. If i were you I would contest the charges or if paid ask for a refund.

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