Tuesday, April 17, 2012

has cyprus gone downhill ?

my wife %26amp; i have just returned from cyprus %26amp; i%26#39;m afraid to say we are both dissapointed. we have been to cyprus on 6 prior occassions but had to have a break of 3 years due to ill health %26amp; we have seen a change for the worst.

1.the prices have gone up.

2. the service %26amp; attitudes of the locals has changed for the worse. in some cases they almost seemed reseneful we were there %26amp; wer often rude.please don%26#39;t blame the water shortages as i saw cypriots wasting just as much water as tourists, watering gardens, using hosepipes to wash patios etc.

i understand there are other indusries in cyprus but if the tourist stop going the economy will suffer big time. i was led to believe tourism is the 3rd biggest industry.

3. many of the places are dirty. in particular parts of paphos smell.

4. i am sick of nearly every bar in a tourist area (not just the big ones but polis %26amp; latchi as well ) showing uk football on a big screen.

5. there is so much development. my wife %26amp; i used to love the polis %26amp; latchi , peyia , coral bay areas %26amp; they are either suffering or going to suffer from this problem.

there are still some nice places but my wife %26amp; i are not returning. agadir next then somewhere new for next summer.


Sorry to here that.

To be fair I hate Paphos and so do 70% of Cypriots. It is loosely called in most Cypriot (polite) circles little Britain, Peyia tends to get a rather harsher name.

Yes it smells, there are bars, cheap shops and crap at every turn, but that is what most tourists want and each to their own.

Cyprus and the tourist industry: to be honest most Cypriots would not bat an eyelid if the British stopped coming, in general they tend to view the majority as beer swilling fatties, who are not spending as much as they used to.Times have changed the love affair with the British is coming to an end.


I have to agree with you Wakeyphil on some points. I loathe the tacky bars with football at every turn but thats down to the British - they%26#39;ve made the tourist resorts what they are complete with roast beef dinners and full English breakfasts! I%26#39;ve only ever met friendliness and kindness from Cypriots perhaps because I respect their homeland and for four weeks of the year adopt their style of living and don%26#39;t inflict my own on them.

I%26#39;ve seen enormous changes along the coastline of the south eastern part of the island over the years and its hardly recognisable from 10 years ago.

I fly out tonight hopefully for two weeks of lovely Cypriot food and company.


Have a lovely time Kath.


Leica,where do get your figures from? As you also hate Paphos so much can we assume that you also have a dislike to the British,or are you in the minority?Keep the anti British propaganda going,you may well do the 70% of your fellow Cypriots a favour quicker than they hoped.


Thanks Karen,

Shutting down this darn computer now for 2 weeks of (I hope) sunshine but at this point I don%26#39;t care. Get me to the airport and load me on that plane and get me to my beloved Cyprus for breakfast tomorrow!!


Maybe my figure of 70% was plucked out of the air, but make no mistake most Cypriots do not like Paphos.

They have no real dislike for the British but they do raise their eyes and tutt when Paphos, drinking, rowdy is mentioned.

have a good trip Kath, the weather is warm a few clouds, and the sea is fantastic.



Do you think that the Cypriot bar owners bribing the youngsters into their bars, then keep on giving them free shots has something to do with the rowdy lot then? Do you think it will turn into another Ayia Napa?

I have my second home in Paphos.

For many years before we always stayed in Protaras, but when we finally made the trip to Paphos we actually preferred it, particularly the harbour area. I have been lucky enough to have a holiday in every month except February so far over the past few years, and I have to say I have never seen any trouble from tourists. Perhaps it%26#39;s because I don%26#39;t go to Bar St that often, but go out to the surrounding villages to eat and drink. Perhaps I have been lucky. I always find the Cypriots charming and we have been invited to two weddings. I love Cyprus and respect the islands culture and traditions, but I know what you mean about it being dubbed %26#39;Little Britain%26#39;. I do think that areas like the Tomb of the Kings Road are getting tatty and touristy with the football and chips thing.


As to bribing young people into bars with free shots, yes it happens. The same happens in Ayia Napa but the strange thing is they only target the British.Is it any wonder when they read the press and watch tv, easy pickings, they realise the British (not all) are game for a good skin full.

I live here for the majority of the year, and do see hear what goes on in some resorts, unfortunately you have the same problem back in the UK.


We went to Cyprus for the frist time early last month and it will be my last time i shall stick to the smallier greek islands .For us all what i saw was England in the sun Enlish food pubs people We stayed in Paphos and protaras been to limasol a dump larnica the same !!! i dont understand why anyone would sit on a plane for 4/5 hours for that but everyone to there own lol


We returned 2 weeks ago from our first visit to Cyprus. Stayed in Polis and had a wonderful time. Hired a car for the full 2 weeks (recommended), and visited Pafos, pleased we didn%26#39;t stay there, but we would definitely return to Cyprus as we found the Cypriots lovely, quite reserved and polite, and nice history to the island, lovely walks, restaurants, scenery, churches etc etc.

I had heard so many good reports of Cyprus from friends, and my parents met out there and fell in love in the late 60s, I wanted to visit. It didn%26#39;t disappoint us at all.

To agree with the op%26#39;s point #5 however, we were very surprised at the amount of development, and I would think it has changed muchly over the last few years.

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